leave letter for sister wedding
Xx-xx-xxxx (Date)
The Headmaster/Principal/Class Teacher
xxxxxxxxxx (school name)
Subject: Application for Leave of Absence
I am xxxxx(your name), student of class xxxxxx(class and division). With due respect, I would like to inform you that I cannot attend school from xx-xx-xxxx to xx-xx-xxxx (Date) due to my sister's wedding. Since I am the only brother of my sister I have lots of responsibilities and I have to make preparations for that.
I, therefore, request you to kindly grant me a leave of absence for those two days.
Yours obediently
Xxxxxxx (your name)
Roll no:
The principal
XYZ school name
adress of school
sub : leave for _ days for sister weeding
date :
dear sir /madam
I am (your name). student of class _. With due respect. I would like to inform you that I cannot attend the school from _ to _(date). due to my sister weeding.
I therefore request you to kindly grant me leave of absence for _ days.
your obidently
(your name)
. Hope it will help you