Leaves of plants get ground water through roots due to the phenomena of
he roots fix the plant in the soil giving it support but the most important and life supporting function of the roots is to absorb
(A) water and (B) mineral nutrients from the soil, and conduct them into the stem for supply to the leaves, flowers, fruits, etc...
Besides being a constituent of Protoplasm, water is needed inside the plant body for 4 purposes: Photosynthesis, Transpirstion, Transportation, Mechanical stiffness.
1. photosynthesis:water is used up in the Green Leaves as a raw material in the synthesis of glucose.
2.Transpiration: a large quantity of water is passed out as water vapour during transpiration, for cooling in hot weather, for producing a suction force, etc
3 transportation : transportation of substances in water solution from the root upwards into the shoot( mineral salts) or from leaves to other parts (sugar etc).