legeumious crop are very much benefical ? how
As they improve soil fertility and grows fast
mark me brainliest
Answer and explanations: Leguminous plants like cluster bean, cow-pea and lentil are most commonly used as green manuring crops because they aid nitrogen fixation which is very much essential for the growth of the plants. These plants contain bacterias called Rhizobia within their root nodules, which is capable of acquiring nitrogen gas in the atmosphere and converting it to soil nitrogen which the plant can use. In most traditional farming practices, after harvest, green manure crops are grown until the flowering phase and later on, the plants are ploughed back in to the soil so that the nitrogen fixed in the roots of the plants becomes available to other future plants thereby increasing the fertility of the soil.
Non-legumes like Mustard, radish, maize and sunflower are used as green manuring crops to retain the topsoil and to provide useful amounts of organic matter to the field. Unlike, leguminous green manuring crops, non-legumes do not aid nitrogen fixation.