World Languages, asked by Akshatvaya4138, 8 months ago

Leisure poem solution of textual questions dav public school.


Answered by rahulkeshri8737


Leisure by William Henry Davies teaches us what should a meaningful life be. A meaningful life is like a child’s life. We should find time to stand like cows and sheep and look around us and enjoy the beautiful nature. We should not hurry away in life. A life that is full of anxieties is a poor life.

Stanza 1

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows.


Full of care – Full of anxieties/ worries/ tension

Stare – Look/ see

Beneath – Under

Bough – Main branch of a tree

Stare as long as sheep and cows – Sheep and cows are least worried about what happens around them.

Questions & Answers

About what kind of life is the poet complaining?

The poet is complaining about a life that has been made complicated by human life-style. Today man thinks that he is too busy to enjoy the bounties (gifts) of the earth that are beautiful and soothing.

Why is the poet not happy with a stressed life?

The poet is not happy with the modern lifestyle that is full of stress. In his opinion, life is an opportunity to enjoy the beauty around us.

Why does the poet pick up the example of sheep and cows?

Sheep and cows are peaceful animals, tamed and domesticated easily. They are seldom found moving in a hurry. Unlike most animals, cows and sheep do not attack other animals unless it is for self defense.

What does the poet want human beings do to make life meaningful?

The poet wants human beings to start enjoying the beauty of the nature. He advises us to put an end to the stress that we associate with life. People unfortunately feel that a serious life style makes it worth. He wants us to shed the cares we have put up on our simple lives. We should find time to see the beauties of nature. We should pause under trees and look up to catch sight of the birds and butterflies that silently flit from branch to branch. We should be like sheep and cows that endlessly look at something as if they are lost in a dream.

Stanza 2

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.


Woods – Forests/ trees

When woods we pass – While passing through a forest

Streams – Rivers

Streams full of stars – Shining bubbles in the rivers

Questions & Answers

What can one see while passing through woods?

While passing through woods, we see squirrels running off with nuts. They are in a hurry to hide them from little thieves. Sometimes we can see endless number of sparkles of the sunlight reflecting upon the ripples of the streams. These sparkling beams of light appear like stars in the nightly sky.

What is the river compared to? Why?

The river is compared to a starry sky at night. It is so compared because the sparkles of the sun-beams that reflect upon the ripples of the rivers look like stars in the sky.

Stanza 3

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.


Beauty’s glance –

Her feet

Smile her eyes began

Questions & Answers

How does nature smile?

Find the answers on

Questions :

How does nature smile?

Why is it said that smile begins from one’s eyes?

How does mouth enrich smile?

Stanza 4

A poor life this is if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.


A poor life is this – This kind of worried life is a useless life.

Questions & Answers

What kind of life is poor life?


What kind of life is poor life?

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