Lencho is a farmer ---------------- writers a letter to God
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Here is the correct answer along with explanation:
Lencho is a farmer who/that writes a letter to God.
It is relative pronoun case. ‘Who’ is a relative pronoun used in defining or non-defining relative clause. ‘Who’ as a pronoun can only be used to refer only to a person. When the subject is a person we use ‘who’. 'That' is also a relative pronoun that can be used in place of 'who'.
Relative pronouns are used in relative clauses. Relative clauses are of two types: A) Defining relative clause B) non-defining relative clause. Defining relative clause functions or identifies which person or thing you are talking about. Non-defining relative clause only describes and adds extra information about somebody or something. If left out, the sentence would still make sense. A non-defining relative clause is usually put in commas.
A Brief Information About the Chapter
The story ‘A Letter to God’ by G.L. Fuentes highlights immense power in man’s innocent faith in God. It teaches us that if man has child-like faith in God, he can accomplish anything considered impossible. If with this faith man asks God for help, God responds, though through His own peculiar channels, and fulfills man’s any urgent legitimate desire.
In this story, Lencho has been portrayed as a deeply spiritual man. He had immense faith in God's goodness and generosity. After his crop was destroyed in a storm, he wrote a letter to God requesting Him to send him 100 pesos. His faith was rewarded. God helped him through the postmaster. Since the postmaster had only 70 pesos, he sent them all to maintain Lencho's faith in God. The innocent Lencho thanked God for his help; he also wrote another letter to God asking him to send 30 more pesos. He appealed to God to send the money through some other means, as he suspected the post office employees were crooks.