Lencho seemed to be an impulsive man who felt suddenly elated at the rainfall and later
became sad to see the destruction which the rain had caused. Did he lack tolerance? Did he not have the courage to face the challenges of life? Elucidate it discussing the values one must possess to face any type of situation in about 80-100 words.
(from the story LETTER TO GOD)(class 10)
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Yes, Lancho lacked tolerance.
- Lancho lacked tolerance as he did find any alternate ways of coping with the crop loss but instead wrote a letter to god for help. It shows that he did not have the courage to face challenges in life.
- In life, there will always be troubling and challenging times. Like everyone else, Lancho had also been confronted by such predicaments. However, we should not run away from them nor should we give up. We must muster our courage and find ways to fight back any challenges that comes in our way.
- It makes us daring and competent in life. People who imbibes such qualities will always succeed in life. Facing problems head on will always make us stronger and better in life.
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Summary of "Letter to God".
Challenges in your road to become successful.
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It is true that Lencho seemed to be an impulsive man. He suddenly felt elated and quickly became sad. However, he did not lack courage and tolerance. He had firm belief in god. He faced the situation courageously and wrote a letter to god for help. He also showed lot of tolerance as he kept on waiting for the reply. He was sure that things would be fine once he would receive a reply from god. Just like Lencho, one should have courage and belief to face any situation in life. One should also be tolerant and hopeful to wait for good times.
Hope it helps
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