lesson plan on plant
☼ Demonstrate the plant
☼ Differentiate between parts of the plant.
☼ Define the roots, Flower, Stem, Leaves, Fruit and seeds.
parts of plants:
A plant has roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds
☼ systems of parts of the plant.:
These parts of the plants form two systems which work together. These systems are root systems and shoot systems.
☼ Root systems:
Root system consists of roots and its branches.
☼ Shoot systems.:
Shoot systems consist of stem and its branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.
☼ Functions of roots.:
2. Roots absorb water and dissolved salts from soil.
☼ Importance of roots in our daily life
We use many roots as food for example radish, carrot, turnip etc.
☼ Types of stem
(1). Woody stem (2) soft stem (3) weak stem (4) underground stem.
☼ Functions of stem.:
(1) stem provides support to the plant.
(2) A stem conducts water and minerals from roots to leaves.
(3) Some stems for example sugar-can, potato and ginger store food in them.
☼ Importance of stem in daily life. :
We use wood as fuel. Woody stems are excellent for making furniture, doors, windows and many useful things.
☼ Simple and compound leaves.
Simple leaves. Leaf blade of many plants in one piece, such leaves are called simple leaves as people, mango, and banyan’s leaves.
Compound leaves. Leaves of rose, keekar and amaltas have their leaf blade cut into many small leaves. These leaves are called compound leaves.
☼ Functions of leaves.:
Leaves are mostly green in colour. They contain chlorophyll in them. With the help of chlorophyll, leaves capture light and use it to prepare food by combining water and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is released in this process.
☼ Different parts of a flower.:
The floral parts are arranged in four circles. These are
1. Sepals 2. Petals 3. Stamens 4. Carpals.
1. Sepals. Sepals form the outermost circle. They are green in colour.
2. Petals. The second circle is made up of colored leaves. They are called petals.
3. Stamens. Stamens are the male part of the plant.
4. Carpals. The central part is made up of carpals. They are female parts of a flower.
14 Periods / 40 mints
Charts, Plant, Root, Shoot, Leaves, flower, fruits etc