Science, asked by sarthakyadav5535, 4 months ago

Let's Practice
What factors do you need to consider to determain if as
object is movine ?​


Answered by harshitanaruka0


You can describe the motion of an object by its position, speed, direction, and acceleration. An object is moving if its position relative to a fixed point is changing. Even things that appear to be at rest move

Answered by shubhiadhya1985


hope t uis helpfull


An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion.

However, this is missing an important element related to forces. We could expand it by stating:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion at a constant speed and direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

By the time Newton came along, the prevailing theory of motion—formulated by Aristotle—was nearly two thousand years old. It stated that if an object is moving, some sort of force is required to keep it moving. Unless that moving thing is being pushed or pulled, it will simply slow down or stop. Right?

This, of course, is not true. In the absence of any forces, no force is required to keep an object moving. An object (such as a ball) tossed in the earth’s atmosphere slows down because of air resistance (a force). An object’s velocity will only remain constant in the absence of any forces or if the forces that act on it cancel each other out, i.e. the net force adds up to zero. This is often referred to as equilibrium. The falling ball will reach a terminal velocity (that stays constant) once the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity.

Diagram of two people blowing on pendulum

Diagram of two people blowing on pendulum

The pendulum doesn't move because all the forces cancel each other out (add up to a net force of zero)

In our ProcessingJS world, we could restate Newton’s first law as follows:

An object’s PVector velocity will remain constant if it is in a state of equilibrium.

Skipping Newton’s second law (arguably the most important law for our purposes) for a moment, let’s move on to the third law.

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