English, asked by snehadb274, 4 months ago

Let's Practise
1. Identify the sentences given below as declarative, interrogative, imperative or
a. The final match of the World Cup will be telecast today.
b. Have you ever been to Sri Lanka?
c. Clear the kitchen before the guests arrive.
d. Do you know Mr Murugan?
e. My sister will receive you at the station.
. Bravo! You have done extremely well in the examinations.
8. What is the capital of Nepal?
h. Practise well to perform better in the competition.
i. What a wonderful piece of work it is!
j. I don't have time to discuss the problem now.
please answer quickly guys ​


Answered by ttjinsha


a. declarative

b. interrogative

c. imperative

d. interrogative

e. declarative

f. imperative

g. interrogative

h. imperative

i. imperative

j. declarative

Answered by sourabhmahala930


Imperative hhsgeve8suevsvanansbbxgxuxd8d

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