Letter for 9 th to mother who is worried about your health
Mother name…
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Sub: Letter to Mother about Health
Dearest Mum,
I wanted to write to you earlier but due to excessive workload and tiring job hours, I wasn’t able to save even a few peaceful minutes to write to you in peace. (Describe all problems in your words). Before you ask me anything first write in detail to me about how are you feeling now after taking a proper diet plan and workouts? (Explain your cause and situation).
Please don’t be angry at me, as I was also not feeling well last week. I had some stomach issue along with fatigue and temperature. But now I am perfectly fine and physically fit. I did pay a visit to the doctor and followed the prescription. (Describe in your own words). Sorry I did not want to stress you so I kept you uninformed. I know mummy you are 24/7 worried about my health, especially after gastroenteritis.
I again ensure you about my health and well-being now.
Love you loads! Last but not the least I will be paying a visit home soon.
With Deep love,
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