Hindi, asked by preeti1321, 1 year ago

letter for friend how to celebrations of dussehra in hindi


Answered by jatin556775
hope it helpful dear
Answered by tapasvi91
1st get the format of the letter
letter consists of minimum 4 paragraphs
1st para : " introduction "
2nd para : "the procedure and the rituals to be done on the day "
3rd para : " from where did u learn "
4th para : :how did it help you"
last: wish you friend get good details of this auspicious day
hope this helps you

ishitapathuri: WTH??
ishitapathuri: not relatable answer bruh!!
tapasvi91: ikr .. i had to give this question to another person but it automatically changed to this question
tapasvi91: ik bruh!
ishitapathuri: ohhkk!!
ishitapathuri: hahaha!!
ishitapathuri: answer not question yaar
tapasvi91: i edited see
ishitapathuri: ohkkk.....i have no use of it rather!
ishitapathuri: anyways see before u post...
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