Hindi, asked by sham8632, 11 months ago

Letter to a friend after reading the hindi poem mathrubhumi


Answered by aishahshaikh14



According to the poet, our motherland is blue sky, which is the sky in blue cloth, and the greenery of the earth is their saree. The color of the motherland is blue and green, the sky and the earth together. It is inhabited by the particles of the Bhartwasis. The ocean is a treasure of gems. The Himalayas keep dispersing their brightness as sentinels.Hey! Janani Janmabhoomi, you are blessed, how should I not bow to you. Your fame is everywhere, in whose dust we have grown very much. Even today we are standing in front of you after eating only this grain of water. You are not only mother but also mother. Have you repeatedly salute me, in the soil of this country, one glory story is hidden. Where Ram and Sita are seen, where there are sons like Shravan Kumar. Where Sita produces truths like Savitri and Draupadi. I hey Janani-Jnhumi Tujhko Centurion Salutations

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