English, asked by sonu5417, 6 months ago

Letter to district administration


Answered by rakzhana01



D. Jeyaraj,

College Union Chairman,

Government College,

Salem - 621 855.


The Collector,

Salem District,

Collector’s Office,

Salem - 621852.

Sir. Sub : Invitation to preside over College Day Celebration - Request.

We are going to celebrate our Colege Day on 20.03.2013. On behalf of the celebration committee, I, the College Union Chairman, request you to preside over the function and distribute the prizes to the winners in various competitions. Details of the programme will be sent to you soon.

Expecting your acceptance,

Yours faithfully,

S. Jeyaraj

Salem, 1 3.2013.

Address on the Envelope


The Collector,

Collectors’s Office,

Salem - 621855,

TN, India.

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