letter to editor about TV addiction among children
66, Safdarjung Enclave,
New Delhi -110029
8th August 2014
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi- 110044
Dear Sir,
Subject: The addiction to television amongst the children of today
I am a regular reader of your national daily, and would like to express my views through the columns of your esteemed newspaper. One of the biggest concerns of today is the amount of television that the children of today watch. One can blame it on the technological advancements, that has lead to easy access, or the lack of time for many working parents, that leaves the kids free to be watching the television most of the time. In order to end this addiction, parents should get proactive and involve themselves in activities with their kids. Apart from that, a healthy lifestyle which involves an adequate amount of playing and spending time outdoors should be encouraged.
It is my sincere hope that parents pay heed to the necessity of ending the childhood addiction to T.Vs so that a well rounded personality can be encouraged in kids.
Yours Sincerely,