letter to editor for water logging
House no. : 123,
Chargawan ,
Raptinagar, phase 4,
28th August,2020.
The Editor,
Amar ujala,
Deoria road,
Dear sir,
subject: complain for water logging.
I live in the area where the road is so badly affected that when there is heavy rain the road become like pond. due to the careless nature of the the officers and the concerned ministers our area is always water logged.
We face many difficulties for going to market and other places. I would like to request you to print article on this topic so that the officers reminded about this topic and they take care to arrange for the building of the road so that water doesn't logged.
hope you will accept my request and do whatever I requested .I will be very thankful to you.
Yours faithfully,
Anamika dixit.