Letter to editor of increasing the prices of onions and the woes of common man
122/3 Sec - 7A
Jasmine road
Date : 28th of Dec, 2019
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Subject : to highlight the problems faced by common people due to high prices of onion.
Respected sir,
Yesterday I was reading your daily newspaper. It was full of crime news. Sir, I want to grab your attention towards the problems faced by the common people. As you know, ' onion ' is the most important part of kitchen. We can't actually imagine the taste of food without including onion in it. Due to the high prices of onion, common people care afraid of looking onto it.
Earlier, People do cry while cutting onion. Now, they are crying after listening it's price! Common people are ignoring the use of onion. They preferred pulses and other food items. This may effect their balanced diet. So, It's my humble request if you could highlight the seriousness of the problem in your daily newspaper.
I would be highly thankful to you.
Thank you!
Yours truly
➡. Format of letter to editor
♦ Sender's address
♦ Date
♦ Receiver's address
♦ Subject
♦ Salutation,
♦ Thanks
♦Your name