Letter to friend to congratulate for winning in swimming competition
Letter to friend to congratulate for winning in swimming competition.
Sector 13
58 Big Ben
<any place>
Hey <name of friend>!
I owe you Huge Thanks for your last letter. I loved how you wrote it and expressed your feelings in an incredibly heartful text. Thanks once more for the thoughtful gift you sent me. Hope you are doing all good.
Through your School Times, I got to know there was a Interschool swimming competition held and you won the Ist Prize and earned the title 'Swimming Expertise', a cash price of 5000rs, and a whole Swimming Kit! Im extremely happy for you on this success, and I hope you keep achieving more! All the best for you future tournaments, and hope your intense practice and hardwork pays off in the future.
Congratulating you on your immense success and rewards once more, and I hope I've encouraged you to do more. Wishing that your Parents and your little siblings are well.
Yours Lovingly,
<your name>