letter to the editor for banning the use of loud speaker
F-112 Kailash Colony.
19h March. 2015
The Editor,
The Hindustan Times.
Subject: banning the use of loudspeakers
Respected Sir,
I am a resident of Kailash Colony and a tows allied incident happened last evening. Due to the unpleasant noise of a blaring loudspeaker, a resident of our colony got irritated and fought with the people using them. This caused a lot of unpleasant disharmonies. But this is not the case of one colony: the increasing use of unauthorized loudspeakers is causing a lot of discomfort for everyone. Old people and infants find it hard to catch up with their much-needed sleep. The cacophony of these loudspeakers has lead many towards hearing loss. The noise pollution they cause. Affects students as well, who are continuously troubled and are not able to concentrate on studies. Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper. I would like to urge the authorities to look into the matter and ban the unauthorized use of loudspeakers, as it is unpleasant for everyone.
Yours sincerely.
NAVdeep kaur bhangu