Letter to the editor request him to highlight the rise in prises
124, Vivek Vihar, Delhi
15 March 2016
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi
Subject: Rise in prices of edible things.
Through the esteemed columns of your daily newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards a steep increase in the prices of the essential commodities like pulses, onions, oils and some other products over the past few days.
The first and foremost reason for this price rise is black marketing and hoarding by the traders at various levels. They stock the goods, curb the supply and create an artificial scarcity of goods, due to which the supply decreases as compared to its demand and the price rises. The people in the lower and middle-income group are affected the most as they have limited income and are not able to spend so much on these commodities. At the same time, they cannot do without such essential commodities.
I would be grateful to you if you help us in bringing this problem in front of the concerned authorities so that such a situation can be controlled soon. Kindly do the needful at the earliest.
Yours truly