English, asked by telijayant13, 1 year ago

Letter to the Member on changing the Society Block president
how cant type the letter


Answered by Rawanbinhussain


Fellow INS members,

I am happy to announce that our Society has a President Elect, Dr. Nita A. Farahany. Dr. Farahany is professor of Law & Philosophy at Duke University, the director of Duke Science & Society, and was appointed by President Obama to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, serving 2010–2017.

Dr. Farahany has served continuously on the Board of Directors since 2012 and currently serves on the Executive Committee, the 2018 Program Committee, and is chair of the Governance Committee. In the past she has served on the Nominating Committee and previous Program Committees.

The INS governance terms of reference, provide that our presidents have two year terms and that a president elect shall be elected during the first year of a president’s term. As the terms of reference provide, our Nominating Committee—consisting of board members and members elected from the general membership, all led by Dr. Joseph Fins—talked with and considered a wide range of possible candidates.

The committee forwarded two great candidates to the Board of Directors: Dr. Farahany and Dr. Éric Racine of the IRCM in Montréal. Dr. Farahany has been serving on the Society’s Board of Directors; Dr. Racine has long been an active member of the Society. The candidates made presentations to the Board over a conference call, the Board discussed them, and then held a blind vote by email, selecting Dr. Farahany.

I was pleased with the process this year, the two candidates who were willing to be considered for the post, and the many potential candidates who decided not to go forward this year but may in the future. Our Society has a lot of talent—a “deep bench”—which bodes well for our future.

Dr. Farahany will take office at our 2019 annual meeting. The dates and location for that meeting have not yet been set but I expect it will be the Thursday and Friday before next year’s SfN meeting in Chicago, which would make the INS meeting October 17-18. But she will be in office as President Elect at our meeting next month in San Diego—and will be moderating one of the panels in our terrific program.

I hope to see all of you there!

Hank Greely

INS President—and now officially a lame

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