Hindi, asked by ramsenglish8005, 9 months ago

letter to your father for sending money to go to tour in hindi


Answered by pegasusproject17


Father’s name…


Contact Information…

[Sub: Letter to asking Money for College Trip]

Dear Father,

How are you and mother doing? I am fine too. I just got done with my second semester of the second year and did quite well in them and am hoping for a good GPA. (Describe in your own words).

I sent this letter to ask for money for my college/university trip. During the winter/summer break, which is after 2 weeks, our batch is going to (Area and Place name) for 2/3/4 days. The college/university will be arranging the conveyance and book the hotel in which we will be staying. However, I have to pay an amount of (Money amount) to the university in which the meals will also be included. You know how I loved going to the (area name) from the beginning. (Explain the actual cause and situation). This trip will also act as mind freshener and I can start the new semester with a renewed ardour. The deadline to pay the money is (date). I have attached the form with the letter which contains all the details of the trip. (describe your requirements).


I hope you send me the money by the deadline. Take care of yourself and mama and give lots of love to little (Brother or sister name).

With love,

Your name…


Contact information…


Another Format,


Father’s name…


Contact Information…

[Sub: Letter to asking Money for College Trip]

Dear Father,

How are you? I hope you are doing well. How is everything at home? I am writing this letter to ask you for a small favour. (Describe in your own words). After an academically challenged and stressful semester, my college has decided to arrange a field trip for the batch. It is on the (date) and we will be accompanied by our teachers and batch mates. (Describe all about tour plan program). Our journey will begin from (Area name) and we will go all the way till (Area and City name). We will have a bonfire night and will return back to (City Name) after a two/three-day stay. I had been saving money from my job for this trip but it is still not enough. (Explain the actual cause and situation). I was hoping if you could give me some money so I can pay the field trip fee and enjoy this trip with my friends. (describe your requirements).

I will be waiting for your letter, sending much love to you and mom. Take care!

Best Regards.

Your name…


Answered by shilpisanjanakumari


अवतार इन्कलेव

नई दिल्ली-- ४५६७८८


प्रिय पिताजी,

आदर सहित आपको और मां को मेरा प्रणाम पिताजी। पिताजी मैं आशा करता हूं कि घर पर सब कोई कुशल एवं मंगल से है। मेरी छुट्टी होने को है। परंतु ,इस बार मैं घर नहीं आ पाऊंगा क्योंकि इस बार स्कूल से हमें घूमाने ले जा रहे है। इसलिए पिताजी मुझे थोड़े से पैसों की आवश्यकता है। अगर आप भेज देते तो मुझे घूमने में दिक्कत नहीं होगी।


आपकी लाडली


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