letter to your friend condoling his mothers death.
Dear Friend,
I am shocked to hear the sad news of your mother’s death. I could not believe that at once. I am greatly grieved on this tragedy of your life. Mother is a blessing of God but the divine rules are absolute. We are unable to understand Allah’s plans.
She was a nice lady. She had a great heart. She was so social and loving. I can remember her soft and sweet dialect. She always loved me as her own son. She prayed for everyone and gave wise counsels to others.
Her death is such a loss as cannot be recompensed. I advise you to bear this misfortune with patience. Set your goals of life and do not let her soul feel bad of you. Nothing but the time alone can soother your sorrow. All my sympathies are with you.
May her soul rest in peace
Yours sincerely,
Rajendra Nagar
18th Oct 2020
My dear XXXX
I am greatly shocked to hear the sad news of your mother's death. I knew that she had not been keeping good health for sometime. But I never thought she would leave us so soon. The sad news of her death comes as bitter shock to me. I sympathise deeply with you in your bereavement. Your mother was an example to all of us
Believe me, my dear friend, there are not merely formal words but the expression of genuine sorrow. May God give you strength to bear this loss !
Yours in deepest sympathy,