English, asked by aditya198877198877, 1 year ago

letter to your friend to congratulating him on getting first position in class8


Answered by Jigyasha1122
Emma Smith,
3453 6th St.,
Melbourne, FL 32904.

My dear Olivia,

I am overjoyed to hear the happy news of your brilliant success in the Senior Secondary School Examination. How pleased I am to know that you have won a scholarship! Please accept my hearty congratulations. Your success is a matter of joy and pride for us all. Daddy and mummy send you their blessings and heartiest congratulations.

You have brought credit to your school and family. Your success is indeed very creditable, but it is not unexpected. Your teachers always spoke highly of you. You worked hard day and night. Now, your labour has borne fruit.

Do let me know all your plans. Convey our congratulations to your parents also.
With best regards and love,

Yours sincerely,


Answered by charu5392
24,Bangalore Road,


January 12, …….

Dear Sourav,

I hope, this finds you in nice health. How pleased I am to hear the happy news of your brilliant success in the Senior Secondary Examination with distinction in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Please accept my heartily congratulation. My parents are also pleased to hear the news. Please convey our congratulations to your parents.

Your success is indeed very creditable but it is not unexpected. Your regular, hear and methodical work has received its reward and you have brought credit to your school and family. I am sure you will get a scholarship.

Congratulating you again.

Yours sincerely,


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