Computer Science, asked by Legend3678, 3 months ago

Letter to your future self.
U will use ur imagination and write letter to ur future self.

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Answered by Anonymous


pls follow me


Hello my future self,

Wondering who it is? You may remember me from the time you were in your 20s or 30s. I am your younger bubbly self now. I just want to make sure that you’re alright when you read this, years later. After, we all practically can’t sip teas together considering I won’t be present there physically. But remember this, I’ll always be within your own conscience; your younger self constantly backing you up.

I wonder sometimes, how will you be later down the line? Will you be exactly like how I am right now? Reckless, impulsive and playful? I spend my days creatively; going places, meeting new people, experimenting and what not? It’s the age, you know. I’m in my youth days right now and it has never been better. I smile infectiously, in fact, everyone around me loves my energy and how I smile! You’d be proud to know that I’m that one person among everyone whose vibes are so attractive, it has got people buzzing around me like flies. That’s a weird comparison but you probably aren’t surprised. I’m a mix of weirdness and loveliness if that even makes sense.

But it’s not all fun and games. I had my fair share of heartbreaks and pain. I was able to deal with them until now. I wrote journals, went trekking and did almost all singlehood-inspired activities there could be. In the end, you know what I learnt? It was me who held back from moving on. That freedom taught me that I needed none to realise I could be happy as well. Relationships, friendships, all taught me several lessons as I met new people and watched many leave eventually. I was able to handle all these things, sometimes with great difficulty and other time with ease. I won’t conclude that I’ve matured really well till now, but I honestly hope you’ve aged like fine wine. I’m sure of it, you’ve had hard heartbreaks and difficult life choices to make and even if it stabbed you in the heart, you must have made the right decision.

Now that we’ve moved on from heartbreaks and love, what I really want you to know is that, if you’ve stuck to chasing your dreams. I know that right now, all I want to do is always keep going no matter what and never stop. I love writing and I want to have a travel blog. Imagine going places and being able to pen down your experiences. What a dream life! But this wonder always creeps in, did I finally achieve that down the line? Did you go on that Ladakh trip that I always wanted to go to, because I haven’t, yet. I’m still scared to take that spontaneous step to travel solo.

Also, handling children has been our forte from day one, isn’t it? From helping kids in NGO’s to teaching underprivileged kids in villages, I’ve done all that makes me feel like I have contributed at least my bit towards the wellness of a society. Little kids are still one of my favourites, enough that I’ve always wanted two of them and a golden lab to tag along. That’s a picture-perfect scenario; two kids, my significant other and a lively golden lab. Not to be an outright futuristic person, but thinking about this, makes me teary-eyed. All these wishes and yearns that I have right now, I simply hope they have come true.

Lastly, what I really want to know is that have you loved yourself enough? I truly wish that our tender heart has been kind enough to us all the way. There is no abundance of love from people, but a little self-love has never harmed anyone. I remember, when I was a kid, I used to look in the mirror and be sceptical of wearing that frock I always wanted to. I just could not and nor did I have anyone to tell me I looked pretty either way. I felt ugly, fat and just not beautiful. But, I wish I was there to tell my younger self to look up and give the prettiest smile while wearing that frock. I tell myself right now, that confidence and self-worth and realisation is what takes to love yourself right now. However, to be honest, doubts still make their way and I ask myself, ‘Can I even do this? Can I even wear this?’ I still delve in self-love issues. That’s why I hope you’ve hugged yourself tighter and learned to love the little girl and me inside you. Don't worry though. It’s not all on you, you don’t have to be the only one to give efforts because I promise, we both have been trying our best too.

I have faith that by little steps, our kid self, me and you, all three of us are going to get through this whirlwind of a life and emerge as winners. I hope that one day when you reminisce our life, you only smile genuinely.

Till then, farewell.


Your younger self

Answered by Anonymous


Dear Future Self,

Remember your wedding day (of course you do!)? It is exactly ten days from today. Ten days before you marry the love of your life, a man who not only puts up with your quirks (like your neurotic, gluten-free, obsessively healthy diet), but has taught you how to laugh at them and love them, removing insecurity. You had a lot on your plate this year, and despite a few major meltdowns and wedding dress nightmares, you survived. You’re going home to see your family, and 150 of your closest friends; this is pretty much the most fun ever and I hope you look back on this time with love.

Tell your children you love them, a lot, I’m sure they are incredible humans and deserve to hear it. Also, let them eat a cookie once in a while. Hang out with your mom as much as possible, words cannot describe what she has done for you over the years.

You probably work really hard, so this is an order: take a vacation with your husband, this month. Book it today, but don’t think too much about it, wherever you go will be perfect, as everything is right now, and always.

I love you. ❤

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