Hindi, asked by kaushanansari, 4 months ago

letter writing in your friend creativity viral an congratulation letter


Answered by kupendiraraju



48B Chennai blooms

Tamil Nadu

12th October 2020

My dear Antony

Congratulations from us all on your brilliant success in creativity viral. You have brought glory not only to yourself but to us all. I was really excited to see your name and photograph on the front page of all the dailies . We are all proud of you.

I hope you have decided great in the future . Please write to us about your future plans. We all hope that you will show your talent in your future also. We want you to complete more like this and take some of your talents for your career . Write to us about your future plans soon.

We shall be happy to hear about these.

Your sincerely

Misba Mubarak.

I think this may help you.

Please mark my answer as brainliest.

Thank you.

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