letter writing to bank manager
hope I will help you again

Letter to Bank Manager
Hannina Mall street,
New Delhi.
The Manager,
City Union Bank,
Halawa branch,
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Subject: Regarding for applying a new passbook.
I am a truthful customer of your bank and having a savings bank account in your bank for the last five years. I writing this letter to bring your attention that regarding for applying a new passbook to my saving account.
I already had a Passbook but it has been damaged due to my carelessness. I mistakenly kept it on my bike during the rain and the book got damaged. Hence I kindly request you to give me a new Passbook.
My account details are given below:
A/c. Holder: Vignesh
A/c. Number: 09876543212456
I request you to issue me a new passbook at the earliest.
Thanking you!!
Yours Faithfully,