Write a letter to Navneet Publications Ltd. asking a price list for STD 6 books.
★ Required Letter:-
St. Joseph's Convent
8th Mile Road, Kalimpong
West Bengal- 123456
13 February 2020
The Manager
Navneet Publications India Ltd.
Gurukul Road, Ahmedabad - 123456
Gujarat, India
Subject:- Order of books published by Navneet Publishers
Dear Sir,
I would like to place an order for some books published by Navneet Publishers. I would be grateful if you would send me one copy of each of the following books of std 6, by VPP to my address as mentioned above.
❶ English Grammar and Composition Class 6
❷ Frank Middle School Grography Class 6
❸ Connect with Science - Biology Class 6
❹ Connect with Science - Chemistry Class 6
❺ Connect with Science - Physics Class 6
❻ Precise Mathematics - Class 6
❼ We are the world - Value Education Class 6
❽ सहित्य रश्मि - छैठौं श्रेणी
❾ Through the middle ages - History and Civics Class 6
❶⓿ ICSE Understanding Computer Studies Class 6
I look forward of receiving these books at the earliest.
Yours Faithfully,
★ More Information:-
Format of an informal letter:-
Format of a formal letter:-
Note:- Kindly view this answer from the website, to view the formats.
★ Required Letter:-
St. Joseph's Convent
8th Mile Road, Kalimpong
West Bengal- 123456
13 February 2020
The Manager
Navneet Publications India Ltd.
Gurukul Road, Ahmedabad - 123456
Gujarat, India
Subject:- Order of books published by Navneet Publishers
Dear Sir,
I would like to place an order for some books published by Navneet Publishers. I would be grateful if you would send me one copy of each of the following books of std 6, by VPP to my address as mentioned above.
❶ English Grammar and Composition Class 6
❷ Frank Middle School Grography Class 6
❸ Connect with Science - Biology Class 6
❹ Connect with Science - Chemistry Class 6
❺ Connect with Science - Physics Class 6
❻ Precise Mathematics - Class 6
❼ We are the world - Value Education Class 6
❽ सहित्य रश्मि - छैठौं श्रेणी
❾ Through the middle ages - History and Civics Class 6
❶⓿ ICSE Understanding Computer Studies Class 6
I look forward of receiving these books at the earliest.
Yours Faithfully,