liberal view of politics
Liberals is quite a general term that is not usually defined in the correct definition due to many associating it with left wing principles. To say this is blatantly incorrect. While most liberals do tend to lean towards the left they are not defined by it, in fact liberal is not a term that can really be used in the generic left white spectrum.
The views of liberals therefore differ much in economic and market policy, however what liberals tend to agree on is the concept of personal freedom being paramount. This means that they will generally support ideals and policies that will put the freedom of the individual above those of the collective as long as they see no harm to other individuals coming from it.
Some policies that liberals tend to support are, freedom of speech, same sex marriage and economic freedom to at least a marginal degree. However there is no liberal manifesto, as such this leads to debate among liberal groups, something that many cherish as a chance to rid themselves of incorrect viewpoints. This convention extends to many different areas such as gun control.
To conclude, a liberal views politics as a way to maximise the personal freedom for every individual. However they amy find points of contention and disagreement in what constitutes personal freedom, they all in general agree that it is the most paramount idea in politics.