English, asked by kirandhiman121, 7 months ago

life after corona virus pandamic story writting long story please ​


Answered by milcahgrace1234


Nobody knows what the future of humanity after the pandemic, but it is certain that the climate and environment of Earth are going to be benefited.

Since the day India announced total Lockdown for 3 weeks to fight deadly virus SARS COV-2. I am at home in Chandigarh. ‘Stay at home’, ‘Don’t touch anything when going out’, ‘Don’t shake hands’, ‘Wash hands frequently’ etc. are some of the advisories prevailing on every TV channel round the clock. The situation is getting scary day by day as the world has so far lost thousands of lives however, it is believed India is still in stage 2 of the pandemic. A very difficult time for people like me to sit at home and watching the deadly scenario. It is like hiding from mass killing outside. Chanakya has rightly said ‘If the enemy is invisible, better hide’.

I am hopeful the pandemic shall finally be over one day as the previous pandemics did. So, I ask myself, once the pandemic is over, what will be the effect of it on our society and how will be our life after COVID 19? I have analyzed the pattern of progression of life after previous pandemics. In my opinion this time the pattern shall not be the same as the people are more educated and techno-savvy.

Society After COVID 19 - Let us understand how society will behave. In general, the reaction of society would be traumatic. Due to depression caused by loss of dear one/close relative and side effects of medicine given to SARS Cov-2 survivors; mental health shall be at stake as sleeping sickness which may lead to Parkinson which was witnessed after the Pandemic of Spanish influenza 1918-19. Other important factors would be malnutrition which may further worsen the situation. After the pandemic is over, people will still be fearful and avoid going to social gathering like family functions, religious functions. Even small get-togethers shall be avoided for some time. The extent of this social distance shall vary from person to person. The person who has lost his/her near or dear one will take more time to overcome the trauma. Sports events would also not be able to attract mass spectators in the stadium. This exhibit from the postponement of Tokyo Olympic 2020 indefinitely. People will also be avoiding Cinema Hall, Malls, big departmental stores and restaurants because offear of reoccurrence of coronavirus. Use of public transport shall also be affected drastically whether it is air, road or rail. People most likely to travel by their own vehicle at least for 6 months after the pandemic is over.

kirandhiman121: thanks bro
Answered by iamthemachoman710


I can't write a long story for you... But here to share some ideas


Write a person's story... like he is highly affected in corona time...

After the end of the pandemic duration... He is on the search for a job... and he can't get any job since every company is lacking money to give salary...

Then, he starts the new job... not a physical one but like an entrepreneur...

Like in a few weeks he reaches the top of the week... and say like... there are oppurtinities always near us.. but depends on how we utilize them


Good Day!!!

kirandhiman121: ok it's enough for me
kirandhiman121: thanks bro
iamthemachoman710: actually i had less time to type sorry :(
kirandhiman121: ok not tenshen
kirandhiman121: bro
iamthemachoman710: :)
kirandhiman121: ok
kirandhiman121: őķ
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