Life before 20 and after 21st century Essay
It is the first century of the third millennium. The third millennium refers to the 3rd thousand year period, made up of several smaller centuries. The twenty first century began on January 1, 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100.
The Gregorian calendar attempts to divide history into roughly two periods: before Christ (BC), which starts at 1 and increases backwards, and the years after his birth, which are AD, which stands for Anna Domini, the Latin translation of “the year of the Lord.”
The 21st Century is a century for love, a century for devotion, a century for technology, and a century for revolution. In spite of the few abrupt quarrels or even massacres, none of which can be undermined, the people continue to show us that their hearts are filled with love
Life without technology and machine
it's would be really difficult
after 20 century, it would be advanced