English, asked by Steph0303, 11 months ago

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. ...

Write a poem describing life.

Requirements: 5 stanzas with 4 lines each ; Rhyming Scheme : abab, aabb, abba.

All the best


Answered by HappiestWriter012
Thanks for the question dear!

Life is all about how you react, It might make you win at times or make you lose at times. But You can never complain life, because it's yours. Today, You can lose but all days are not the same. The greatest minds couldn't tell how to win life. but they definitely showed that You can enjoy life if you can accept everything.

Thomas Alva Edison had researched so much , But in a fire accident , his research center was all burnt into ashes. if he had complained about life and had stopped, You won't be sitting in the light today.

Wright brothers were insulted by a news paper editorial that Two brothers are trying to make a vehicle much heavier than air to fly in the air. But just after two weeks, The world saw them going to flight in the air with that.

Life often challenges you and tests you, that Will you stand up to the situation or give up. But one thing, Life will give you troubles that you can bear nothing more than that.

I guess it's enough telling about life, Let's recite a poem.

If I had to define life,
I could think it was surely a question,
but the smartest person knife
couldn't answer in his life reception.

Life is a game,
Where none can win for sure,
But you can get fame,
The fame of heartful happiness which cures ( the pain of the game)

Life is a death sentence
for those who think they can't,
Because without a trail dont
even think of getting over the fence .

Life a lesson,
for those who are ready to listen, b
Life a interview,
for those who think that had gone through everything.

Life is a friend,
for those who can't accept anything,
Life is a well wisher,
for those who can unleash the results by struggle .

Life can never be yours,
Until you accept to strive for it forever,
It will not only challenge you, push you downstairs ,
But will help you get over the line by crossing mighty river.

Thanks for the lovely opportunity!

Abhishek75700: #PHENOMENAL and FÄBÜĹØÜŠ bro....✌☺☺《⛦⛦⛦⛦⛦》❤❤such A❤Gr888 answer u had given #Awesome ✌☺⛦❤
akhlaka: Awesome answer sir.... :)
RohitSaketi: arey super ra yuvi ❤️❤️❤️ pra'neat'h ga undhi
HappiestWriter012: thanks everyone! And rohit, Thanks for the love
Prakhar2908: Excellent answer .
Answered by MOSFET01
 \green{\huge{\underline{My \: life \: begins \: on \: earth}}}

When I came on earth I see my mom,
When my life begins I laugh on her,
When I go school I cry in the hands of mom,
But I see the life in the school in a fear,

Now life begins with friends,
My fears go away with friends,
I come in the college face lots of obstacle
I leaving all the obstacles

Now I found new journey in the life,
The journey begins with employee,
And life becomes annoying,
I slowly learn to live the life,

Now I become a dad,
I see my baby in my hand,
He begins to grow on the earth,
And I see his smile with my eyes,

My life begins on earth with smile,
And I left my life on the earth with smile,
And meet my parents in the heaven
And my life beings in my child's .

RohitSaketi: harshith awesome bhai.. Dil garden hogya
MOSFET01: :-)
PrincessNumera: gr8
MOSFET01: :-)
Anonymous: Lovely ❤
Anonymous: wow !!! ♥♥♥
MOSFET01: :-)
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