English, asked by atharvmanojsangwan36, 4 hours ago

life is a full of incidents. but some incidents can't be forgotten. search incidents always teachers a valuable lesson. think of an unforgettable incident from your life it can be memorable journey, an incident while traveling, a funny incident, a bad day or unforgettable event that you attend. Write a paragraph in 150 words describing the incident. Illustrate it beautifully. ​


Answered by FFLOVERMAHI53


a) On 13th April 1919, a large crowd gathered in the enclosed ground of Jallianwala Bagh – some to protest against the British government’s repressive measures, others to attend the annual Baishakhi Fair. These people were unaware of the imposition of Martial Law in the city. General Dyer, the Commander, blocked the exit points from the Bagh and opened fire upon the innocent citizens. Dyer’s intention was to produce a ‘moral effect’ and terrorize satyagrahis. Hundreds of innocent people including women and children were killed and wounded due to this indiscriminate firing by the British soldiers, which ultimately led to nation-wide outrage. Jallianwala Bagh incident was the most brutal incident in the History of India.

b) The Simon Commission was constituted by the Tory Government in Britain, under Sir John Simon. The objective of the Commission was to look into the functioning of the constitutional system in India and suggest some constitutional changes. But nationalists in India opposed the Commission because it had not a single Indian member. Therefore, when the Simon Commission arrived in India in 1928, it was greeted with the slogan “Go Back Simon”. All parties, including Congress and the Muslim league, participated in the demonstrations

Answered by Bhoomi1116


This happened 7 years ago but the whole scene is still fresh in my mind.

I stood in front of the class when the question I dreaded was asked. I tried to hold my poise and my voice from quivering.

“Why didn't you take classes in the last two weeks? What happened? We missed dance!” One of my students asked me. With her hand on her hips this 10 year old wanted to know.

“I… was not well.” I said with a tear rolling down my face which I swiftly brushed off by changing my position. I had lost my father and had a miscarriage within a span of 60 days. The latter happened when I was alone with no people around that I could share with, not even my husband.

“What happened? Fever?” Asked another.

My bottled up emotions suddenly went out of control. The blood clots and the pain hauntingly came back.

“Yes. Somewhat. Let's start the class.

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