English, asked by batolatul2810, 9 months ago

Life is not fair (argumentative essay)


Answered by ferdin


Life is Not Fair Essay

Have you ever heard that saying life isn’t fair? Do you think that is really true? I do. Every day I face a situation that is not fair. Whether my sister gets to stay up later than me or she gets to eat more ice cream. There is always somethings that’s just not fair.

In my opinion we cant measure whether life is fair or not. I think this because what’s fair to one person may not be fair to another. For example I get to go to bed later than my sister. This is a fair decision because I’m older so I should get more privileges. But my sister disagrees because she thinks everyone should be equal. You see almost everyone has a different opinion so everything can’t be measured whether it’s fair or not. In one line of the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, August said “ Why do I have to be so ugly mommy?” August Pullman was born with a major facial deformity. In my opinion that’s not fair how such a sweet regular boy has to live with so much trouble in his life. This is an example of how we can determine if life is fair or not.

Most of our fait is determined by luck. I believe this because one day you could be perfectly fine than the next day you might not even be on this Earth. In the story of Lemon Brown, Lemon Browns son was in the war. One day he was fine the next he was shot and killed. It’s a matter of being somewhere at the right place and time. If his son wouldn’t have been in the war he might not have been dead. You can also determine if your fait is determined by your luck because if you are born into a family that is not wealthy, you may have to go through the pain of not being able to eat or even drink.

We can make life worthwhile even though it may seem unfair by just remembering other people have to go through that kind of stuff too. Helen Keller said “ Everything has its wonders even darkness and silence, and I learn whatever state I may be in therein to be content” This meant to me that we should be pleased with what we have. Like Helen Keller even though she was blind and def she was still content, or please with what she had.

In my opinion, we do have control over unfair circumstances. There are many things that we can do to control this type of stuff. Instead of throwing a fit about things you don’t think are fair you can find a way to work through it. For example do you think it’s fair when people discriminate against others? In “I Dream a World” by Langston Hughes he says “ I dream a world where black or white whatever race you be will share the bounties of the Earth and every man us free.” You see there’s always a way to work things out even if it takes courage and time. The poem in my opinion was saying let’s all work together and stop discrimination, because it’s not fair.

I can tell you as a fact that life isn’t always going to be easy. There are going to be bumps in the road. Theres always going to be something that’s just not fair. What will always help is to stay positive and remember that you will always someone there with you.

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