Life note on Mohammad Paigambar from birth to death.
Prophet Muhammad, the last prophet and founder of Islam, is known to be born in 570 CE (Common Era) and believed to have died on June 8, 632 AD (after Jesus's birth).
The above dates are according to the Julian and Gregorian calendars followed in those times.
It is widelybelieved that Allah had revealed the verses of the Quran in the holy month of Ramadan for the first time to Prophet Muhammad on Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Power).
Listed are 12 lesser-known facts you should know about the central figure in Islam, Prophet Muhammad:
1. Birth and birthplace
It is widely believed that Muhammad was born in Mecca and lived there roughly for the first 52 years of his life, most likely from 570 CE-622 AD.
Mecca, in a desert valley in western Saudi Arabia, is Islam’s holiest city, as it’s the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the faith itself.
2. Family
Prophet Muhammad's father Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib died before his birth, and his mother, Aminah, is believed to have died when he was just 6 years old.
His paternal uncle Abu Talib later took care of him.
3. Tryst with trading
In the initial years of his life, Muhammad used to accompany his uncle on trading journeys to gain experience in commercial trade.
Muhammad later became a merchant and was allegedly involved in trade between the Indian ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
4. The several names of Muhammad
It was his trustworthy character that acquired him the nickname al-Amin meaning 'faithful, trustworthy' and al-Sadiq meaning 'truthful'.
Based on his personality, here are some names that he is known and worshipped by:
Al-Kareem, meaning the noble and generous one
Al-Mustafa, meaning the chosen one
Al-Shahid, meaning the witness
Al-Aqib, meaning the last one
Rasul, meaning the messenger
Al-Nabi, meaning the prophet
Tayyib, meaning good
Allah and Muhammad as wallpapers of a home.
5. Kaaba
He is known to have set the Black Stone in place inside the holy shrine Kaaba in 605 AD.
The Kaaba in Mecca has long held a major economic and religious role for the area and believers.
Kaaba is a building at the center of Islam's Mecca.
It is believed that 17 months after Muhammad's arrival in Medina, the Kaaba became the Muslim Qibla, or direction for prayer (salat).
The Kaaba has been rebuilt several times; the present structure, built in 1629, is a reconstruction of an earlier building dating to 683.