'like a huge Python, winding round and round' what does the poet want to say in the line..?taken from casuarina tree written by toru dutta for 2 marks
“Our Casuarina Tree,” a poem written in English by the Indian writer Toru Dutt, celebrates a huge tree that the speaker (resembling Dutt herself) associates with the happiness of her childhood in India. Yet the speaker also associates the tree with the memory of lost loved ones—people from her youth (probably based on Dutt’s dead siblings) with whom she, when a girl, played beneath the tree.
The fact that the tree is associated, in the speaker’s mind, with other persons is already foreshadowed in the poem’s title through the use of the word Our. The speaker’s perspective is immediately more than merely her own: the title already implies that she thinks of the tree as not simply hers but as belonging to others, too.
The opening image, which compares a large vine crawling around the tree to a “huge Python” (1), might at first seem dark and foreboding, but the image ultimately emphasizes the great strength of the tree itself. For some readers, the tree symbolizes the ancient and venerable culture of India, while the huge encircling vine symbolizes the potentially deadly influence of colonialism. Most immediately, though, the vine itself seems to add a kind of beauty to the tree; the vine, after all, is called a “scarf” (6), a word with fairly positive connotations.
'like a huge python, winding round and round' is a line from Toru dutt's 'Our casuarina tree'
An Indian poet named Toru Dutt penned a poem titled Our Casuarina Tree in 1881. In this poem, Toru Dutt honours the grandeur of the casuarina tree she used to see from her window, recalls the joyous times she spent playing beneath it as a child, and brings back memories of her cherished siblings.
The poem's description of the tree is the first line. According to the poet, the creeper has wrapped like a massive Python around the Casuarina Tree's gnarly trunk. Deep scratches on the tree trunk were left by the creeper. The tree is so sturdy that it can withstand the creeper's tight grip. Given how few trees could withstand being entrapped by this creeper, the tree is considered as courageous and perhaps valiant. The poet continues by describing the life that flourishes among all of the tree's features. Due to the tree's enormous size, power, and audacity, it is referred to as a giant in metaphor.
thus, the poet tends to represent her memories about the casuarina tree which here is being referred to as like python strong, sturdy, and giant.