limitations of hydro electricity
1 Environmental Consequences
The environmental consequences of hydropower are related to interventions in nature due to damming of water, changed water flow and the construction of roads and power lines.
2 Expensive
Building power plants in general is expensive.
3 Droughts
Electricity generation and energy prices are directly related to how much water is available. A drought could potentially affect this.
4 Limited Reservoirs
We have already started using up suitable reservoirs for hydroelectric power plants.
It is a Non-conventional method of electricity production.
Its requires huge reservoirs and dams to be constructed ,which requires a great area of and that should be situated near to a fast flowing river or big lakes so the flow of water is higher and the turbines could run. it casuses degradation of the forest and other land masses as large deforestation is done. it also there fore destroys the habitat of the wild animals.And hence degrades the environment and is a non sustainable method of producrion of energy.