line by line Summary of the poem ''English"

the first stanza means that English grows with words this line means English have many words and if the words grow that is the words increase in number then English also gets increased words that have secret power this line means they have a very powerful meaning and deep meaning the second stanza means some words very good and positive to say whenever we say some word somewhere it makes positivity more than the day aur anything else and its meaning is deeper than a pool some words there are different something else but this is something else poets know much better then the common people and that is why in the third stanza 4th line it is said the poets to fly heaven the poets know more than us they know many different various words of English which are very deep and have various meanings the fifth stanza means when we grow we speak positive good and dip words simple but make a great thought and make some other people when you are young try to learn more good words this poem is written by Elenor Farjeon