French, asked by cpsanjeev6257, 1 year ago

Lines on cleanliness and non-voilence


Answered by hatimlaila23

t is rightly said ‘cleanliness is next to godliness.’ Cleanliness means keeping our body, mind and everything around us clean. This is a good habit. It should be cultivated from early life.

Cleanliness refers to the habitual acts of keeping the dirt away, to maintain good health, following both personal and environmental hygiene practices. In simple words, it refers to the state of being clean.

Cleanliness of body is essential for good health. It is said that dirt and disease always go together. So for keeping good health we should have regular bath, we should clean our body, clothes and surroundings. We should also avoid dirty food.

Men of clean habits are liked by all. All dislike and avoid dirty men. Their dirty habits spread the germs of disease. Cleanliness of the body brings about the purity of mind. A neat and clean body with a clean mind is the abode of god


.Talking about domestic violence is never easy. Talking about it with the children who witness violence can be both a heartbreaking and confusing challenge for parents to navigate. But parents need to address the issue, whether or not they plan to leave.

“Having the conversation is hard on the survivor and may trigger anxiety and traumatic memories,” says Lizeth Toscano, a parenting educator with Echo Parenting and Education. “But silence isn’t an option. Silence is saying it’s OK that the violence happened.”

Here are six tips for talking to children about violence.

1. Find the right time. When is the right time to talk about violence within the home? That’s easy, Toscano says: “Whenever the child is ready.” She suggests asking open-ended questions after an incident, such as “That must have been scary for you to see. What do you understand happened?” Toscano also advises parents to be on the lookout for nonverbal cues in children. “Children tend to internalize issues,” she says. “If your child starts developing a lot of tummy aches and would rather stay with you than go to school, that’s a sign he or she needs to talk.”

2. Don’t wait. Children are more aware than parents like to think they are. Don’t ever think your child is too young to see what’s going on. And that means they’re never too young to start talking about it. “There’s never a time that’s too early to start talking to children about violence and safety, self-care and boundaries,” says Allison Crowe, Ph.D., a member of the American Counseling Association and
an assistant professor at East Carolina University. “The best-case scenario is that we’re constantly talking to our children about these issues—not just when violence happens.”

3. Be age-appropriate. The most important messages to convey to kids are “I love you,” and “It’s not your fault.” As your child grows, you can start having conversations about relationships and boundaries. Use words that your child will understand and start conversations that are relevant to your child’s developmental level. For instance, discussing violence with a young child might include why it’s not OK to hit a sibling or classmate. With teens, it’s important to discuss intimate partner abuse as they begin dating. Whatever your situation or step in the process of leaving, make sure children understand that the violence they may see at home is not OK.


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4. Offer an outlet. Children who are reluctant to discuss their feelings verbally may find solace in art or journaling. “Some children will use words and some will not,” Crowe says. “Journaling works particularly well among teens.”

5. Continue to discipline. Parents who feel guilty about exposing children to violence may “go easy” on them after an incident to try and make up for the trauma. But structure and stability are paramount to children, particularly when violence is present in the home. Continue to keep a routine going as best you can, and be consistent with discipline.

6. Get help. Parents don’t have to go it alone. Resources in the form of children’s books, online programs and counselors are available to help them talk to kids about domestic violence. Take caution if these resources could put yourself or your children in danger if found by the abuser. Talk to an advocate about making sure you and your children stay safe while also getting your children the help they need

Answered by swapnil756
salut l'ami


La propreté doit être considérée comme la responsabilité première de tous. Tout le monde devrait comprendre que la propreté est aussi nécessaire que les aliments et l'eau. Cependant, nous devrions donner à la propreté une priorité au lieu de la nourriture et de l'eau. Nous ne pouvons être en bonne santé que si nous prenons tout en nous de manière très propre et hygiénique. L'enfance est un très bon moment de la vie de chacun, au cours de laquelle l'habileté de la propreté peut être pratiquée tout comme la marche, la parole, la course, la lecture, la consommation, etc. sous la surveillance soigneuse et régulière de
les parents.

Dans l'école et les collèges, les étudiants reçoivent beaucoup de projets et de travaux à domicile sur le thème de la propreté. Il s'agit d'un sujet très important aujourd'hui, car une grande population meurt quotidiennement à cause des maladies causées par le manque de propreté. Il est donc très nécessaire d'être conscient de l'importance et de la nécessité de la propreté de notre vie. Nous devons tous faire un pas vers la propreté pour sauver des milliers de vies et leur donner une vie saine. Notre premier ministre, Narendra Modi, a lancé une campagne intitulée «L'Inde propre». Nous tous, en tant que citoyen indien, devons montrer notre participation active à la réalisation du but et des objectifs de cette campagne.
                                         LA NON-VIOLENCE


La non-violence est l'une des qualités divines. Les personnes non-violentes sont les plus proches de Dieu. Donc, tout le monde devrait savoir ce qu'est la non-violence et pourquoi la non-violence est nécessaire.

Quelle n'est pas la violence:

Pourquoi la non-violence est-elle nécessaire?

Les principaux exposants de la non-violence:

Gautam Bouddha comme champion de la non-violence. Lui et ses partisans se sont révoltés contre le sacrifice animal des prêtres hindous. Bouddha a prêché la non-violence jusqu'à sa mort. Depuis lors, les bouddhistes

prêchent cette foi.

Ashok était violent dans sa jeunesse. Mais l'horreur de la guerre de Kalinga a provoqué une

espérons que cela vous aidera


Swapnil756   Apprentice Moderator 

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