Sociology, asked by Gogoukipgen123, 7 months ago

Linguism ia a social progress in india explain the statement


Answered by anandsingh196


Persecution of the Linguistic Minorities:

1. Through linguism, certain complications and disturbing trends have developed which appear to have threatened the unity and stability of the country. The State Re-organisation Commission had provided for safeguard of linguistic minorities in states. But in reality the linguistic minorities have been harassed in different states. The case of Maharashtra may be taken as an example where the son of the soil theory has been propounded, leading to persecution of people, who had migrated from other states, but had settled in the state for business or job.

2. Increasing Regionalism and Parochialism:


The people of different linguistic groups, who are concentrated in a state or geographical locality, seem to think only in terms of the interests of their own states. Each state is interested in wangling big projects or looking after the needs of its own people. It undermines the consideration of national issues and causes narrow and parochial feelings.

3. Formation of Regional Political Parties:

Linguism causes regionalism which ultimately leads to the formation of regional political parties in some of the states. At times, such political parties form the government. The states like, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Mizoram and Jammu & Kashmir may be cited as examples in this regard. It has been experienced that such political parties in power often complicate the Centre state relationship.

4. Anti-Centre Propaganda:


The linguism ultimately leads to anti-centre propaganda through regional political parties in some states. They criticize the centre and derive their political strength out of that. The regional parties also claim the progress in states to have been possible due to their endeavor and any kind of failure is interpreted in terms of the apathetic attitude of the centre.

5. Erosion of National Feeling:

Due to linguistic and regional loyalties the national feeling gradually erodes. People become so fanatic that they do not mind supping with the devil for regional gains, even at the cost of national prestige. Thus the sovereignty of the country is at stake.

6. Demand for separate states:


The secessionist elements have raised their ugly heads due to excessive linguism. Behind the linguistic conflicts underlie the selfish motive of some politicians who instigate the linguistic minority section of people to demand partition of the states along linguistic lines. The demand for a separate Gorkhaland has created an awkward problem to the concerned state as well as to the centre.

7. Inter-State border dispute:

The language problems have become so acute that linguistic tensions are manifested in the border which are bilingual. The Goans are divided on the basis of Konkani and Marathi languages. Linguistic conflict tends to persist among the Marathi and Kannada speaking people in Belgaum. There is e tug of war between the Bengali and Assamese in Assam. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are not free from the linguistic problem too. There conflict tends to persist among the Hindi and Oriya linguistic groups and Hindi and Urdu speaking people

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