list 10 points on how to check pollution in my locality
Check pollution in your locality :
- . Use reusable water bottles, not disposable.
- Don’t wash your car in the driveway, wash it on the lawn.
- Dispose of hazardous chemicals properly. Don’t dump down the drain, indoors or out.
- Recycle used motor oil. Deliver used motor oil to a recycling location.
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Reduce auto emissions.
- Use insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers, as well as other lawn and garden chemicals, sparingly.
- Start a compost pile.
I hope it helps you
Stay Safe Stay Healthy
Each person has the ability to reduce the amount of pollution that humans create. There is no debate that most of the pollution in the Great Lakes, and around the world for that matter, is the result of human activity. There is also no debate that pollution has caused drastic changes to the environment and it continues to harm our water. Some pollution can be traced to a specific location, but some of it is called nonpoint source pollution and this type of pollution is where you, as an individual, can make an immediate difference. Nonpoint source doesn’t mean it appeared from nowhere. Contrary, it means the pollution originated from a large number of small sources or a large land area, that then concentrated in rivers and streams. This is often the case with runoff from streets or agricultural fields. Every individual, of any age, can positively reduce pollution.
Below is a list of ten ways that any individual can reduced the pollution of our environment. Just so there is no confusion, the water that we drink comes from the ground. We drink water from wells and aquifers, all of it is pumped from the ground to the places we need it. The water that we all pollute, drains into the groundwater. Maintaining a healthy environment for all creatures is also a great reason for following these simple steps. The many species of plants and animals also will be healthier with fewer pollutants in their habitat. Here is how you can keep the water source clean for all of us.
1. Use reusable water bottles, not disposable.
Excessive waste from our society is a problem. It is best to have one waterbottle that you refill rather than using disposable bottles that end up in the trash, on the street, and in a landfill, or possibly floating down a river, in a lake, or in the ocean.
2. Don’t wash your car in the driveway, wash it on the lawn.
A variety of pollutants and detergients are rinsed from your vehicle during washing. By parking your car on the lawn the plants in your lawn can limit the amount of these pollutants that enter into the street drain and then to streams and lakes. Plants will uptake the chemicals and reduce the pollutants that make it to the streams.
3. Dispose of hazardous chemicals properly. Don’t dump down the drain, indoors or out.
Hazardous chemicals include cleaners, paints, and many other often used chemicals. The idea that the chemical will be deluted and won’t be a problem is false. Drains are not for disposing of liquid garbage. These items are probably the most important to store, use, and dispose of properly. Visit the Allegan County Website for more information on disposing of household chemicals in Allegan County.
4. Recycle used motor oil. Deliver used motor oil to a recycling location.
This one seems like a no brainer. If you have used motor oil it can be recycled and needs to be taken to a proper location. Dumping oil down a drain is never a solution. Some auto shops and filling stations will recycle used motor oil for you.
5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This three teered system is the best way to reduce waste. First Reduce. Reduce the amount of items you consume especially things that can be replaced with something reuseable, such as a washcloth instead of paper towel. Second, always reuse items rather than use disposable. Anything you do can help, you don’t have to make every change at once. Lastly, recycle. If it is something you have to dispose of, recycle what you can. All of this will reduce the amount you pollute and should also leave a few more dollars in your pocket as well.
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