List and explain any two important rules of play Khokho?
Mark out the play area with chalk or string. ...
Split the Kho Kho players into two equal teams, and then allocate one team as the chasers and one team as the defenders (let them know they'll get to swap roles after seven minutes).
Chasers need to line up on the line down the middle, facing in alternate directions.
The two rules of the Kho Kho are,
1)The sound of Kho and touch must be at the same time if a player decides to give Kho to other player
2)The chaser must not cross the side between two poles.
• When a player from a chasing side decides to give Kho to an other player of their team, he must touch him and tell the word Kho at the same time. Only then it will considered as a valid pass and if he failed to follow any one, then it will not be considered as a valid pass.
• Also the player from the chasing side is not allowed to go cross the sides between the two poles. That is he is not allowed to run crossly either right or side between the two poles.