List change in the body that take place in puberty
● Increase in Height.
● Change in Body Shape.
● Voice Change.
● Increased Activity of Sweat and Sebaceous Glands.
● Development of Sex Organs.
● Reaching Mental, Intellectual and Emotional Maturity.
The changes that take place at the time of puberty are as follows:
a) The height and weight of the body will suddenly increase
b) The hair seems to appear in the areas such as legs, hands, face and underarms
c) In female, the enlargement of the ovary takes place and starts producing matured eggs and on the
other hand in males, the testis grows and starts producing sperms
d) In males, the shoulder broadens and chest becomes wide, whereas in females the region below the
waist becomes wider.
e) Acne seems to appear because of the excessive secretion of the oil from the skin.