List condition under which combustion can take place?
Combustion means when there where the fire is takes place is called Combustion. When there is oxygen only the Combustion takes place
Please answer me as brainlist answer
Conditions necessary for combustion:-
●Combustile substance ( which can burn.)
●Presence of supporter ( oxygen).
●Heating the combustile substances to its ignition temperature.
Let's understand
== The lowest temperature at which a substance catches fire and starts burning is called ignition temperature.
1.Some substance having low ignition
temperature and can easily catch fire.
Example:- CNG , LPG , diesel , Petrol etc.
2. Some substances having high ignition temperature and catch fire with difficulty.
Example:- Wood, Coal etc.
Combustion :-
It means burning. A chemical process in which a substance react with oxygen to give heat and light is called combustion.