List down the reasons why Co, is the best extinguisher for fires involving electric
equipments and inflammable substances? (2% m)
.) Distinguish between rapid and spontaneous combustion with an example
each. 2% m)
Why Carbon Dioxide is the best extinguisher for fire involving electrical equipments?
Carbon Dioxide is heavier than oxygen.
Carbon dioxide does not harm electrical equipment.
Carbon dioxide can be stored easily.
It reduces ignition temperature.
NCERT Question 8 - Explain how CO 2 is able to control fires.
2-,In rapid combustion, a substance burns rapidly producing heat and light. For example: a matchstick burns rapidly on being struck against the sides of a matchbox. Spontaneous combustion is a type of combustion which occurs without an external ignition source.
CO2 forms a large around the burning substance and cuts off the supply of air(oxygen) to it and hence extinguishes fire
Burning substance need OXYGEN for burning but CO2 stops the supply of oxygen and cuts off the fire. So,CO2 is used as fire extinguishers