English, asked by harinisudiravr, 5 months ago

list few lessons that you have learnt from Evelyn Glennie
ncrert grade 9 english​


Answered by ashu22430


No problem that you have some issues in your body you should have confidence in your self and proud about you

you should not leave your dreams. you should try to make them real by your confidence like evelyn glennie she had many problems but instead of them she became a very nice singer


Answered by uditagupta2020

Here are few lessons to learn from Evelyn Glennie:

  1. Follow your dreams with passion and determination
  2. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to do it
  3. Instead of seeing or hearing, feel it.
  4. Work for other's welfare and happiness.
  5. If she could do it then why can't you?

Evelyn Glennie is the best example to explain that it is a person's determination,courage

and strength that makes a person work towards his or her goal. Her inability didn't deter her from working towards achieving her goal. She has accomplished much more than other people twice her age. All it took was encouragement and belief from one percussionist to make her the legend that she is today. Hence, not only should we pursue our dreams but also push others to do the same.


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