Biology, asked by vaithy128, 10 months ago

List name the three kinds of plastids with their functions th


Answered by Anonymous

Chromoplasts are what the name describes, a place for the pigments to be stored and synthesized in the plant. These are found in flowering plants, fruits, and aging leaves. The chloroplasts actually convert over to chromoplasts. There are carotenoid pigments here that allow for the different colors you see in fruits and the fall leaves. One of the main reasons for these structures and the colors is to attract pollinators.

Gerontoplasts are basically chloroplasts that are going through the aging process. These are chloroplasts of the leaves that are beginning to convert into different organelles or are being re-purposed, since the leaf is no longer utilizing photosynthesis (such as in the fall months).

Leucoplasts are the non-pigmented organelles. Unlike the others we have talked about, leucoplasts have no color at all. They are found in the non-photosynthetic parts of the plant, such as the roots. Depending on what the plant needs, they may become essentially just storage sheds for starches, lipids, and proteins. They are more readily used for synthesizing amino acids and fatty acids.

The chloroplasts are probably the most-known of the plastids. These are responsible for photosynthesis. The chloroplast is filled with thylakoids, which is where photosynthesis occurs, and chlorophyll.


Answered by imranbarbhuiya858

Plastids are of three types:

1. Leucoplasts are colorless plastids. They store the food of the plant body in the form of starch, protein and lipids. They occur most commonly in the storage cells of roots and underground stems.

2. Chloroplasts are green plastids because of the presence of chlorophyll. Chloroplasts occur abundantly in green leaves, and also to some extent in green parts of the shoot.

3. Chromoplasts are variously colored plastids. They are mostly present tin flowers and fruits.

One form of plastid can change into another. For example, leucoplasts can change into chloroplasts when the former are exposed to light for a long period.


1. By trapping solar energy, green plastids manufacture food through photosynthesis

2. Chromoplasts provide colored to various flowering parts.

3. Leucoplasts help in storage of protein, starch and oil.

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