list of 10 activities where we exert force
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to change the shape of any object ,
to bring an object from rest to motion
,to bring an object from motion to rest
, to change the direction of an object
,to break an object ,
to change the speed of an object
,to compress any object .
to pull any object
to push any abject
to write
hope it is helpful
to bring an object from rest to motion
,to bring an object from motion to rest
, to change the direction of an object
,to break an object ,
to change the speed of an object
,to compress any object .
to pull any object
to push any abject
to write
hope it is helpful
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Force :
In our Everyday life we observe that some effort is required to make a stationary object into motion or to stop a moving object . This effort can be push or pull. pushes and pulls are forces. Forces are the important part of our world. we use forces while we work and play . Forces are all around us. So, in a simple way a push or pull on a body is called “Force” . The direction in which a body is pushed or pulled is called the “direction of force”.
“ A Force is an action that tends to alter the position, shape, direction and speed of a body”.
Objects cannot move by themselves . A Force is needed to push or pull them, before they can start or stop moving.
S.I unit of Force is“ Newton ( N )”.
C.G.S ( Centi meter , Gram, second ) unit of Force is “Dyne”.
Effects of Force :
A Force cannot be seen . It can be judged only when it can produce in various bodies ( or objects ) around us. A Force can be produce the following effects :
1. Force can make an object move from it's rest.
we can make an object move by applying force on it. when you push your friend , he or she tends to fall down. to pluck an apple from the tree, you pull the apple towards yourself. Also a ball at rest on ground starts moving when hit by a hockey stick.
2. Force can stop or slow down the moving objects :
A ball is stopped by a player by applying force in the direction opposite to that of the ball.
when you apply force on the brakes of a moving car it's speed slows down or the car is stopped. so, A Force can stop a moving body or can reduce the speed of the moving body.
3. Force can make a moving object move faster :
when you push the child swinging on a swing with a Force it swings faster.
when we apply more force on the paddles of a moving bicycle it moves faster.
when a football player hits the moving football, the ball starts moving faster. so, by applying more force moving objects move faster.
4. Force can bring change in the direction of moving objects :
Force always has some direction. when a football player hits the ball coming towards him, the ball goes to the goal keeper. The player had applied the force on the football to change it's direction.
In the game of carrom, when we take a rebound then the direction of striker changes . This is because the edge of the carrom board exerts a Force on the striker.
Thus, we can say a Force always has same direction and tell body on which the force acts changes or tends to change it's position in the direction of the force.
5. Force can change the shape and size of objects :
The force applied by the lady changes the shape of the dough ( kneaded flour ) into round chapatties.
When you squeeze toothpaste tube to take out toothpaste in the morning, it's shape changes . similarly, when you squeeze a tomato, it gets squashed . Also, when you apply force to piece of chalk during writing , it breaks into pieces which are smaller in size than the original piece of chalk.
In our Everyday life we observe that some effort is required to make a stationary object into motion or to stop a moving object . This effort can be push or pull. pushes and pulls are forces. Forces are the important part of our world. we use forces while we work and play . Forces are all around us. So, in a simple way a push or pull on a body is called “Force” . The direction in which a body is pushed or pulled is called the “direction of force”.
“ A Force is an action that tends to alter the position, shape, direction and speed of a body”.
Objects cannot move by themselves . A Force is needed to push or pull them, before they can start or stop moving.
S.I unit of Force is“ Newton ( N )”.
C.G.S ( Centi meter , Gram, second ) unit of Force is “Dyne”.
Effects of Force :
A Force cannot be seen . It can be judged only when it can produce in various bodies ( or objects ) around us. A Force can be produce the following effects :
1. Force can make an object move from it's rest.
we can make an object move by applying force on it. when you push your friend , he or she tends to fall down. to pluck an apple from the tree, you pull the apple towards yourself. Also a ball at rest on ground starts moving when hit by a hockey stick.
2. Force can stop or slow down the moving objects :
A ball is stopped by a player by applying force in the direction opposite to that of the ball.
when you apply force on the brakes of a moving car it's speed slows down or the car is stopped. so, A Force can stop a moving body or can reduce the speed of the moving body.
3. Force can make a moving object move faster :
when you push the child swinging on a swing with a Force it swings faster.
when we apply more force on the paddles of a moving bicycle it moves faster.
when a football player hits the moving football, the ball starts moving faster. so, by applying more force moving objects move faster.
4. Force can bring change in the direction of moving objects :
Force always has some direction. when a football player hits the ball coming towards him, the ball goes to the goal keeper. The player had applied the force on the football to change it's direction.
In the game of carrom, when we take a rebound then the direction of striker changes . This is because the edge of the carrom board exerts a Force on the striker.
Thus, we can say a Force always has same direction and tell body on which the force acts changes or tends to change it's position in the direction of the force.
5. Force can change the shape and size of objects :
The force applied by the lady changes the shape of the dough ( kneaded flour ) into round chapatties.
When you squeeze toothpaste tube to take out toothpaste in the morning, it's shape changes . similarly, when you squeeze a tomato, it gets squashed . Also, when you apply force to piece of chalk during writing , it breaks into pieces which are smaller in size than the original piece of chalk.
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