Chemistry, asked by standalone8257, 1 year ago

list of 10 articles used at home are made up of metal and alloy


Answered by AkashMandal
Alloys :

An Alloy is a metallic material composed of two or more metals or one or more metals and Non-Metals . Alloying can be used to increase hardness of metals. It makes metals more resistant to attack by chemicals and atmospheric corrosion. It can change the properties of metals in other ways .

★ Alloy : Brass

Constituents present : copper, Zinc

uses : For making utensils, nails, screws, electric goods, cartridge containers, parts of watches and musical instruments , etc.

★ Alloy : Bronze

Constituents present : Copper, tin

uses : statues, bearings.

★ Alloy : Duralumin or Duralium

Constituents present : Aluminium, copper, magnesium, maganese.

uses : For making bodies of aeroplanes, vehicles, pressure cookers , etc.

★ Alloy : German Silver

Constituents present : Copper, Zinc, Nickel.

uses : Utensils, electric heaters, resistors.

★ Alloy : Magnalium

Constituents present : Aluminum, Magnesium .

Uses : Balances and other light instruments, bodies of aeroplanes and vehicles.

★ Alloy : Stainless steel

Constituents present : Iron , chromium, nickel.

uses : For making utensils, cutlery, Surgical instruments , etc.

★ Alloy : Steel

Constituents present : Iron, carbon

Uses : For making nails, tanks, bodies of ships and other vehicles, bridges, railway lines etc.

★ Alloy : Solder

Constituents present : lead tin

uses : joining metals.


Answered by mayank3335


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