Science, asked by ritucutesidhu4624, 1 year ago

List of 10 bacterial diseases with their causes


Answered by prachi106
1. Tetanus is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. It enters the body via an open wound and releases a powerful toxin, tetanospasmin. The incubation period lasts from 2 days to several weeks. This infection causes fever, pain, spasms of the neck and jaws. The treatment includes sedation, administration of muscle relaxing chemicals, antibiotics and antitoxins. The vaccine confers immunity for 5 years; in the case of profound wounds, injections with antitoxins are required. 

2. Typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica. The sources of infection are represented by contaminated water and food. The incubation lasts 7 to 14 days, then fever, headaches, constipation and diarrhea install. The treatment consists in antibiotics. 

To avoid this infection, food must be processed and manipulated in hygienic conditions. The vaccine confers limited immunity. This disease usually accompanies wars. A huge typhus pandemic broke out during the First World War in the Eastern Europe. Since 1914, over 20 million people died of typhus. 

3. Cholera is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Humans take the bacterium from water infested with human feces. The incubation lasts 1-7 days. This disease causes chronic diarrhea, dehydration, loss of liquids and salts. These losses must be replaced. The vaccine confers limited protection, that's why hygiene is the main method of controlling cholera. 

4. Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis. The black plague broke out in Europe in 1347, when a boat coming from Crimea docked at Mesina, Sicily. Besides its load, the ship transported the pest, which soon spread throughout Italy. It was like the end of the days for Europe. In four years, this bacterium killed 20 to 30 million Europeans, about one third of the continent's population. Even the remote Iceland was struck. In the Extreme East, China dwindled from 123 million inhabitants at the beginning of the 13th century to just 65 million during the 14th century, because of the pest and hunge
5. Syphilis, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallida, is the most severe sexually transmitted bacterial infection. The first stage has an incubation of 3-12 weeks and it induces ulcered lesions (syphilis chancre) at the entrance of body's aperture organ. After that, it triggers skin eruptions, fever, hair loss, less severe hepatitis and genital condilloma, but if untreated, the lesions extend in several years to the nervous system, leading to deat
6. Gonorrhea is triggered by the Neisseria bacteria and it is transmitted sexually. 62 million people, aged mainly 15 to 29, are affected worldwide, especially in urban areas and of low socioeconomic level. The incubation lasts 3 days, and in men, gonorrhea produces urinary incontinence, urethra pain, reddening, penis burning sensation and testicle inflammation. In women, it induces severe pain that reaches the trumps and uterus. The treatment uses antibiotics and prevention is similar to syphilis. 

7. Tuberculosis is caused by the Koch bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). It is as old as the humankind is. TBC was found even in mummies coming from the ancient Egypt and Peru. 2 million people die annually of tuberculosis. About 150 million people are estimated to have died of TBC since 1914. 
8. Legionnaire's disease is caused by Legionella bacteria. The bacteria are taken from air or wet environments. It causes symptoms similar to flue or pneumonia, accompanied by renal failure. The disease requires hospitalization and treatment with antibiotics. As a prevention measure, water and air conditioning installation must be controlled. 

9. Pneumonia affects 1% of the planet's population and can be produced by bacteria (like Aeromonas hydrophila) or viruses. It produces fever, shiver, sweating, cough with expectoration, muscle, head and thoracic pain, appetite loss, weakness. 

10. Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) is the most famous bacterium fluttered in the bioterrorism war. 

It causes an acute disease in humans and animals, and some strains are highly lethal. Moreover, its spores are extremely long-lived, up to 70 years in the soil. Anthrax cannot spread directly from human to human; but corpses are a very dangerous source of anthrax spores. Anthrax means coal in Greek, a reference to the bacterium's ability to cause black skin lesions in its victims. Anthrax is as old as tuberculosis.

hope this helps u

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