Social Sciences, asked by Chris6960, 1 year ago

List of difficult words and their meanings


Answered by SomeoneVerySpecial

Abashed- embarrassed or ashamed.

Brawn - physical strength.

Churlish - rude or bad-tempered .

Decamp - leave suddenly or secretly.

Enfeeble - weaken.

Floe - sheet of floating ice.

Glee - great delight.

Hatred - extreme hate.

Incapacitate - prevent from functioning.

Jocund - cheerful.

Kudos - praise and honour.

Leaden - heavy or slow.

Mart - market.

Newel - the top or bottom post of a strain rail.

Oust - force from a position of power.

Paraquat - a poisonous weed-killer.

Quest - long search.

Rebate - partial refund.

Sculpt - carve or shape.

Thrall - the state of being in Another's power.

Ungovernable - uncontrollable.

Victor - a person who defeats an opponent.

Waddle - walk with small steps and a swaying motion.

Xylophone - a musical instrument played by hitting a row of wooden bars with small hammers.

Yelp - short, sharp cry.

Zeal - great energy or enthusiasm for a cause or aim.

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